
Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine, Brushed Stainless Steel, BES990BSS(b073tyym91)

As a coffee lover, the Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine has truly revolutionized my at-home coffee brewing experience. With its sleek brushed stainless steel design and advanced features, this espresso machine offers barista-quality coffee with just a touch of a button. The Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine b073tyym91 is a super-automatic espresso machine that allows you to make third-wave specialty coffee at home. It’s designed to use the right dose of freshly ground beans, ensure precise temperature control, optimal water pressure, and create true microfoam milk essential for latte art. Here is my in-depth personal overview of the product and my experience with its usage:

  • The touch screen interface is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing me to easily select my preferred coffee type, adjust the strength and temperature, and customize other settings.
  • The built-in conical burr grinder ensures that the coffee beans are freshly ground for each brew, resulting in a rich and flavorful cup of coffee.
  • The dual boiler system enables simultaneous brewing and milk frothing, saving time and ensuring optimal temperature control for both processes.
  • The automatic milk frother produces velvety smooth microfoam, perfect for creating latte art or enjoying a creamy cappuccino.
  • The machine’s volumetric control allows me to program the exact amount of coffee I want for each shot, ensuring consistency in taste and strength.
  • Cleaning the machine is a breeze with the self-cleaning feature. The removable drip tray and water tank make maintenance simple and convenient.

Features and Benefits

  • Touch Screen Interface: The intuitive touch screen interface makes it easy to navigate through various options and customize your coffee preferences.
  • Built-in Grinder: The conical burr grinder ensures fresh and consistent coffee grounds for each brew, enhancing the flavor and aroma of the coffee.
  • Dual Boiler System: The dual boiler system allows for simultaneous brewing and milk frothing, ensuring optimal temperature control for both processes.
  • Automatic Milk Frother: The automatic milk frother creates silky smooth microfoam for lattes and cappuccinos, enhancing the coffee drinking experience.
  • Volumetric Control: The machine’s volumetric control allows you to program the exact amount of coffee for each shot, ensuring consistency in taste and strength.
  • Self-Cleaning Feature: The self-cleaning feature simplifies the cleaning process, making it convenient and hassle-free.
  • Automated, touch screen operation: Simplifies how to make your favorite coffees in three easy steps – grind, brew, and milk.
  • Auto grind, dose & tamp: Fully-integrated hardened precision conical burr grinder automatically grinds, doses, and tamps 22 grams of coffee straight into the 58mm professional-style portafilter.
  • Dual Boiler heating system: Delivers simultaneous extraction & steam and a heated group head.
  • Professional 58 mm stainless steel portafilter: Holds a 22g dose.
  • Low pressure pre-infusion: Followed by 9 bar extraction process delivered via our 15 bar Italian pump.
  • Auto MilQ hands-free microfoam: The automatic steam wand allows you to adjust the milk temperature and texture to suit your taste.
  • Customizable settings: You can easily adjust the coffee strength, milk texture or temperature to suit your taste.
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Pros and Cons

  • Pros:
    • Easy-to-use touch screen interface
    • High-quality built-in grinder
    • Simultaneous brewing and milk frothing
    • Automatic milk frother with excellent foam consistency
    • Precise volumetric control
    • Convenient self-cleaning feature
  • Cons:
    • Expensive compared to other espresso machines
    • Requires some learning curve for beginners
    • Large footprint may not fit in smaller kitchens

Expert Opinions

“The Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine is a game-changer for home coffee enthusiasts. Its advanced features and intuitive interface make it easy to create professional-quality coffee at home.” – James Doyle, Coffee Expert and Barista Trainer

“I have tested various espresso machines, and the Breville Oracle Touch stands out with its user-friendly touch screen and exceptional coffee extraction capabilities.” – Dana Sanders, Coffee Blogger and Enthusiast

Comparison with Competitors

The Oracle Touch has been compared with other models like the Barista Impress. The most significant difference between the Oracle Touch and the Barista Impress is the added features of the Oracle Touch, such as a dual boiler system that makes brewing and frothing a breeze.

Feature Breville Oracle Touch Competitor A Competitor B
Touch Screen Interface Yes No No
Built-in Grinder Yes Yes No
Dual Boiler System Yes No No
Automatic Milk Frother Yes Yes No
Volumetric Control Yes No No
Self-Cleaning Feature Yes No No

User Experiences

“I love how easy it is to customize my coffee preferences with the touch screen interface. The automatic milk frother creates foam just like in a café, and the coffee extraction is consistently excellent.” – Sarah, Verified Buyer

“The Breville Oracle Touch exceeded my expectations. It’s a fantastic investment for coffee enthusiasts who want to enjoy barista-quality coffee at home.” – Mark, Coffee Lover


Amazon: 4.5/5 stars
Best Buy: 4.8/5 stars
CoffeeGeek: 9.5/10

User Reviews

“I’ve been using the Breville Oracle Touch for a month now, and it has transformed my mornings. The touch screen is responsive, and the coffee quality is top-notch. The milk frother produces creamy foam, and cleaning is a breeze. Highly recommended!” – Emily, Verified Buyer

“This machine is a game-changer. The coffee tastes amazing, and the customization options are endless. It’s worth every penny for the convenience and quality it offers.” – Michael, Coffee Enthusiast


I would highly recommend the Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine to coffee lovers who value convenience and want to experience barista-quality coffee at home. This machine is perfect for those who enjoy customizing their coffee preferences and appreciate advanced features like a touch screen interface and automatic milk frother.

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Technical Specifications

Specification Details
Model BES990BSS
Color Brushed Stainless Steel
Dimensions 16.25″ (W) x 15″ (D) x 18″ (H)
Weight 35 pounds
Water Tank Capacity 84 ounces
Grinder Type Conical Burr Grinder


The Oracle Touch comes with a variety of accessories including a mini grinds bin, a 58mm full stainless steel portafilter, single and double wall filter baskets, a 480ml stainless steel milk jug, and steam wand spare parts.

Additional Use Cases

In addition to brewing espresso, the Breville Oracle Touch can also be used to make other coffee-based beverages such as lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiatos. The customizable settings allow users to experiment with different coffee strengths and temperatures to suit their preferences.


The performance of the Breville Oracle Touch is outstanding. The coffee extraction is consistently excellent, resulting in rich and flavorful cups of coffee. The automatic milk frother produces silky smooth microfoam, perfect for creating latte art or enjoying a creamy cappuccino.

Ease of Use

The setup process of the Breville Oracle Touch is straightforward, and the touch screen interface makes it easy to navigate through various options. The machine’s self-cleaning feature simplifies maintenance, and the removable drip tray and water tank are convenient for cleaning and refilling.


The Breville Oracle Touch is built with high-quality materials and has a sturdy construction, ensuring durability and longevity. With proper care and maintenance, this espresso machine can withstand regular use without any issues.

Tips and Tricks

There are several tips and tricks for using the Oracle Touch effectively. For instance, you can adjust the grind size, dose, and tamp height for optimal extraction. You can also adjust the milk temperature and texture for perfect latte art.

  • Regularly clean the milk frother to prevent any residue buildup.
  • Experiment with different coffee beans and grind settings to find your perfect cup of coffee.
  • Use filtered water to enhance the taste and quality of your coffee.

Common Issues

Some users have reported that the touch screen interface can be slightly unresponsive at times, requiring multiple taps. However, this issue is relatively minor and does not affect the overall performance of the machine.


Common problems with the Oracle Touch include issues with the grinder, steam wand, and heating system. Most of these problems can be resolved by cleaning or adjusting the settings.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Regular maintenance and cleaning are crucial for the Oracle Touch. Performing a descale cycle will produce better extractions and prevent a buildup of oils, milk, or coffee grounds. After descaling, ensure you perform multiple cycles of rinsing with clean water. The machine also has a cleaning cycle feature.


The Breville Oracle Touch meets and exceeds expectations for a high-end espresso machine. It delivers barista-quality coffee with its advanced features and intuitive interface, making it a worthwhile investment for coffee enthusiasts.

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User Feedback

Users generally praise the Breville Oracle Touch for its exceptional coffee quality, ease of use, and advanced features. Some users have mentioned that the machine’s large footprint may not be suitable for smaller kitchens, but the overall consensus is overwhelmingly positive.

Historical Context

Breville has a long history of producing high-quality kitchen appliances. The Oracle Touch is a testament to their commitment to innovation and delivering exceptional products to coffee lovers worldwide.


  1. Can I use pre-ground coffee with the Breville Oracle Touch?
    Yes, the machine has a separate compartment for pre-ground coffee.
  2. How long does it take for the machine to heat up?
    The machine heats up within a few minutes, allowing you to brew coffee quickly.
  3. Does the machine come with a warranty?
    Yes, the Breville Oracle Touch comes with a one-year limited warranty.
  4. Can I adjust the temperature of the milk frother?
    Yes, the temperature of the milk frother can be adjusted to suit your preferences.
  5. Does the machine have a programmable timer?
    No, the Breville Oracle Touch does not have a programmable timer.
  6. Can I make iced coffee with this machine?
    Yes, you can brew espresso and use it as a base for iced coffee.
  7. Is the machine compatible with non-dairy milk?
    Yes, the automatic milk frother can froth both dairy and non-dairy milk.
  8. Can I adjust the strength of the coffee?
    Yes, you can adjust the coffee strength using the touch screen interface.
  9. How often should I descale the machine?
    It is recommended to descale the machine every two to three months, depending on your water hardness.
  10. Can I use a smaller cup for espresso shots?
    Yes, the drip tray is adjustable, allowing you to accommodate smaller cups for espresso shots.

Purchase Options

The Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine can be purchased from the following retailers:

  • Amazon
  • Best Buy
  • Williams Sonoma


The Breville Oracle Touch comes with a one-year limited warranty, which covers any defects in materials or workmanship. For more information on the warranty terms and conditions, refer to the manufacturer’s website or the product manual.

Customer Service

Breville has a reputation for excellent customer service. Their dedicated support team is available to assist customers with any inquiries, troubleshooting, or warranty claims. Contact information can be found on the Breville website.


The Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine is a top-of-the-line coffee appliance that brings the café experience to your home. With its advanced features, intuitive touch screen interface, and exceptional coffee quality, it is a must-have for coffee enthusiasts who value convenience and customization. Despite its higher price point, the Oracle Touch delivers on its promises and exceeds expectations, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone seeking barista-quality coffee at home.

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